Four Winter Allergy Threats

Find out what could be to blame for your seasonal sneezing and coughing fits.

While the weather outside is frightful, your winter allergies are anything but delightful. It’s something about the cold temperatures and the winter winds that have you blowing your nose every spare moment; however, before grabbing that next Petstissue take a moment to find out what could be causing your allergy symptoms in Hagerstown and what you can do to alleviate your symptoms.

Temperate Climates

While our area does get snow during the winter months, overall our city is rather temperate. This milder climate means that year-round allergens such as pollen are more likely to affect those living in these mild temperatures and for those traveling to warmer places for the winter season.

Reduce this allergen: Choose the best times to wander outside. This means staying in during times when heavy winds are tossing around leaves and other allergens. Also, opt for allergy medications on days that you need to be outdoors for extended periods of time.

Pet Dander

It’s not the fur that’s causing your coughing and runny nose, but rather the protein contained in your loving pet’s dander and saliva.

Reduce this allergen: Vacuum all carpets and furniture as much as possible and wash bedding in hot water each week.Keep household pets off the furniture—particularly your bed—and bath your pet at least once a week.


When the weather starts to cool down the furnace kicks in. While you may enjoy the reprieve from the chilly winter elements your furnace could be kicking up dust, insects and mold in the air.

Reduce this allergen: Throw away any mildewing or moldy curtains or wallpaper, which can often occur in moist locations like the bathroom. Also, wash your showers and sinks with a cleaning detergent that contains about 5 percent bleach. Opt for a dehumidifier for your home to help control the dust mite and mold levels.

Damp Wood

If the winter months have you cutting wood for a roaring fire, then you may find that your allergy symptoms are also roaring.

Reduce this allergen: If you store wood outside, it can easily become an ideal environment for mold spores. Once inside, your allergy symptoms may begin to kick up around the firewood. Therefore, when you first purchase or cut down firewood be sure to keep it inside where your dehumidifier will keep mold spore growth to a minimum.

If you don’t find any relief from your winter allergy symptoms in Hagerstown, then call your ENT today to schedule an appointment. Let us help you find a treatment plan that will be effective.